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I’m Adrienn Banko, photographer from Budapest, Hungary. I`ve been in love with pictures ever since I can remember. Though, it was a long way to discover that photography was the perfect job for me. When I bought my first digital camera I made everyday hundreds of pictures of basically everything. I really enjoyed it, so I simply just wanted to learn everything about it. I bought my first DSLR camera around the age 20, after that everything started. At first I shot nature and landscapes. I never thought about shooting pictures of people.

Everyone told me I was good at it and no one understood why I didn’t pay interests in photographing people. So I thought I give it a try. That’s when my real love began. In the beginning I took a photography course, but I didn’t feel it gave me enough spirit, so I started to learn from a famous Hungarian photographer. I wasn’t sure about what I really want to do with all this, but somehow I started to fall in love with fashion and glamour photography. I’ve been searching for the best fashion photographers’ pictures and lots of glamour sites on insta and been analyzing them for hours. So many of those are truly magical to me.

I have many favourites photographers who inspires me and always find new ones. I really love to do portrait, weddings, glamour and fashion shoots also. I have a lots of published projects. 

Our wedding photography site, together with my fiancé (Gergely Balázs):




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